• Home Run: the Isle of Wight

    Nestled away in the English channel, the Isle of Wight is often reputed as an OAP’s paradise, or as a permanent re-enactment of the 50s and 60. The Isle of Wight is in fact really a hub of history, music, and eccentricity. Let me convince you that the place...
  • Album Review: Funk Wav Bounces Vol. 1- Calvin Harris is back!

    Does anyone remember Ellie Goulding and overly dramatic and cleanly produced EDM tracks? Well Calvin Harris sure doesn’t. His newest album Funk Wav Bounces Vol. 1 sees the legendary UK producer turn a new leaf in his discography, reinventing his sound to fit modern chart-topping music, while simultaneously borrowing...
  • Quintessential Travel Companions

    Coursework is looming, the sun is creeping out and we are all stuck in bloody Nottingham! Not that we hate it here, but who isn’t dying for a holiday right now? Well, take five from your studies and have a read up on the gadgets to keep in mind...
  • Adventure Thrifts: Tokyo

    Much to the dismay of student travellers, Tokyo has recently been ranked as the world’s most expensive city. However, while studying abroad for a year in central Tokyo, I discovered various money-saving methods in order to spend as little yen as possible. I became a somewhat professional in saving...
  • Suitcase Essentials: Packing for China

    A holiday to China is high up on every tourist’s list; it’s rich with culture and full of exciting and interesting sights. Packing can be a little more difficult though. With such a varied climate and weather prone to shifting in an instant, deciding what to pack is a...
  • New year, new me: how to make the most of your time at university

    With a new year comes a new start – or so they say. But really, after a couple of days the feeling of being born again has already been stamped out. Nothing is different from how it was the year before; the weather is the same, the people are...
  • Arty Outings – The Art Of Spain

    Although the title of this article is stolen from the travels through Spanish art history of a 40 something year old, my article provides a student’s perspective on, specifically, the art on display in Madrid. Cathedrals Cathedral Almudena is, in itself, an artistic masterpiece. The statues of angels outside,...