• Lifestyle Health: The Tess Holliday Debate

    After Tess Holliday’s appearance on the cover of Cosmopolitan Magazine in October 2018 sparked controversy, Emma and James discuss both sides of the argument.  James Hurman and Emma-Jane Walker  Featured image courtesy of Cosmopolitan UK Instagram. Follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook page for more articles, podcasts and...
  • Why it’s Good to Say No

    As a society we are constantly encouraged to say ‘yes’. Say yes to new opportunities, to challenging ourselves, to pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zones. Growing up I hated saying ‘no’ to people, believing that I was letting both them and myself down in some way. This year,...
  • The Perfect Excuse for More Tea This Holiday Season ?

    Tea is seen as the cheapest beverage besides water and has been promoted as a health-helping brew since ancient times. As a tea lover myself, I look for any excuse to squeeze in another cup of tea whenever I can. Recent research may actually mean that the more tea...
  • Health Impact: Tired?

    “Doctor, I’m tired all the time.” As a GP, I hear this a lot.  In fact, tiredness is the most common problem that people see their doctor for.  1 in every 20 of my appointments are with patients experiencing fatigue1, and every year 1-2% of people in the UK...