• Interview: Sam Fischer

    After rising to fame with TikTok hit This City, Australian singer-songwriter Sam Fischer has thrived in the pop music scene, recently embarking on ‘A Simple Tour’ in the past couple of months. As he took the show to Nottingham’s Rescue Rooms, Amrit Virdi caught up with him to discuss...
  • picture showing a field and a blue sky

    Interview With The Vegan Society: Part One

    Alice Nott Alice sat down with Tim Thorpe from the Vegan Society UK to discuss their upcoming campaign ‘Plate Up for the Planet’, the Food Sustainability Bill and what it’ll take for us all to go plant based. Tim is the Campaigns Officer for the Vegan Society, having joined...
  • Interview: Listening Service Nightline

    Nightline is one of the welfare associations that Nottingham University has to offer, and operates primarily after the sun has set, making it unique in its ability to reach out even during the early hours - it has helped countless students since 1973 and has a reputation for non-judgemental,...
  • Interview: Sea Girls On Growing Pains, Tour Bus Life And Their Upcoming Album

    It’s an exciting time for Sea Girls: the four-piece male indie rock band (yes, Sea Girls are all men!) have just embarked on an extensive UK tour, and their sophomore album 'Homesick' is due to come out in January 2022. Whilst prepping for three weeks of bus life, lead...
  • Interview: Listomania

    After solidifying their line-up whilst attending University in York, Listomania are now settling into Leeds and finding their feet through upcoming gigs across the North of the UK. Michael (bassist), Lewis (lead guitarist), Charlie (drummer/producer) with the absence of lead singer Jordan, talked Nieve through their current musical findings...
  • Spotlight On Nottingham – Interview: Charity Stow

    Charity Stow moved to Nottingham at the start of the pandemic, but the restrictions have not prevented her from engaging with the city’s ever-growing music scene. She caught up with Gemma Cockrell on the cusp of the release of her upcoming EP ‘Perfect Thought’....
  • Interview: Ruby Fields

    Aussie singer-songwriter Ruby Fields is releasing her debut album ‘Been Doin’ It For A Bit’ at the end of this month. She caught up with Impact’s Gemma Cockrell about what we should expect from the album, Australia’s handling of the pandemic, and her love for the boys in her...