• Pets At Home!

    We know that isolation can be tough, so we’ve rounded up some of the Impact committee’s cutest furry friends to bring some joy to your social distancing.  ...
  • WINNER ANNOUNCED: BME OFFICERS – Omolade Osinaike and Bridget Mohammed

    Omolade Osinaike and Bridget Mohammed have been elected as your new BME Officers 2019/2020.  Omolade and Bridget are both happy, relieved and feeling good, they were quite nervous anticipating their results as they were the last ones to be called for the part-time officers. Their highlight for the campaign, Omolade...
  • Unconditional Offers: An outdated practice?

    Following the press release that the University of Nottingham has decided to end unconditional offers from this September, Impact went out to get the student response to the news. Started in 2014, the University believed that their High Achievers scheme initially helped to attract applicants from disadvantaged backgrounds but...
  • ‘The DofE Expedition’: A Horror Story Like No Other

    Every year, groups of secondary school kids are lured into the great outdoors, wearing rucksacks twice their own body weight, eating cereal bars by the dozen with dodgy map directions glued to their hands – and why? For a certificate and a, dare I say it, rather crummy badge....