• Theresa May announces “desperate” plan to suspend tuition fees

    Theresa May has announced that tuition fees will stay at £9,250 for 2018/19, a change from the previously proposed plan to increase the maximum to £9,500. There was also a proposal announced to increase the repayment thresholds from £21,000 to £25,000 a year, which will be introduced in April...
  • An Evening with George Osborne

    Last Thursday, I got the train down to London with a mate to attend a Spectator event in at Cadogan Hall in Belgravia. At the event, Andrew Neil quizzed George Osborne about the build up to the financial crisis of 2007/08 and its legacy, as well as the role...
  • Why you should have to pay tuition fees

    The issue of tuition fees is a controversial topic that is dominating current politics. Labour’s promise to abolish fees has rallied much of the typically apathetic youth around Jeremy Corbyn, whereas current government policy receives great criticism within the student community. Corbyn’s stance on tuition fees in part explains...
  • Anne Marie Morris: Simple Mistake or Return of the Nasty Party?

    As if the Conservative Party needed more bad publicity after the lacklustre response to the Grenfell Tower tragedy, the DUP deal and the intense pressure regarding public sector pay, Anne Marie Morris, a Tory backbencher was recorded using a racially offensive term on Monday at a conference of Eurosceptics...
  • The Big Student General Election Debate

    On Friday 2nd June, the four political parties at the University of Nottingham, the Lib Dems, Labour, the Conservatives and the Greens, when head-to-head, in a Question Time-styled debate in front of an audience of students. The structure consisted of opening statements, followed by panel and audience questions. Here...
  • “Part of creating a fairer society”: The Conservatives Interview

    In the lead-up to the General Election 2017, Impact Magazine sat down with representatives from the four political societies at the University of Nottingham: The Conservatives, Labour, Liberal Democrats and the Greens. From the Nottingham University Conservatives, we spoke to Sam Hamilton. The Conservatives were a part of the coalition...
  • “It is about creating a society where everyone has the same opportunities”: Labour Interview

    In the lead-up to the General Election 2017, Impact Magazine sat down with representatives from the four political societies at the University of Nottingham: The Conservatives, Labour, Liberal Democrats and the Greens. From the Labour Society, we spoke to Jacob Collier. Why do you think scrapping tuition fees is...