• Food Shopping: the Student Guide

    Being an adult is hard enough as it is, and food shopping can be one of the serious challenges to get the hang of. Fitting everything in your basket, using actual maths to figure out if your mum would consider that can of beans to be a bargain, and...
  • Battle of the Supermarkets: Student Edition

    As a student on a budget, most of us can attest to the fact that the weekly food shopping proves to be a bigger mental battle than our degrees. The questions remain: walk the extra ten minutes to get to Lidl or walk to the Tesco metro around the...
  • Graduate Reflections

    University has been deemed a core step in bridging adulthood and by no means is this an exaggeration. The simplest way to describe it? The most extreme way to experience a broad spectrum of different things which inevitably prepare you to cope with whatever comes your way. Let’s face...