In the previous iterations of the Insidious franchise, Lin Shaye always seems to steal the film as psychic Elise. Insidious: Chapter 3 is no different, but with Elise being given an even more central role, the talented Shaye is given her chance to shine. This journey ramps up the tension...
Paranormal Activity 3 set a precedent for horror franchises to make the third film a prequel. Now Insidious: Chapter 3 looks set to follow, looking back at Elisa (Lin Shaye), the paranormal investigator from the first two instalments and the encounters she had way before she ever met the Lamberts. ...
Ouija is Hasbro’s first outing into the horror genre, and sadly, it shows. From a predictable plot, one-dimensional characters and an atrocious ending that seems to beg for a sequel, there is nothing new that the film offers. In fact, if it wasn’t for the constant jump scares, most...