• The Evolution of the ‘Night Out’

    Everyone is aware that the average British person loves a good night out, with many films and TV shows portraying British people as experts in the field. However, it seems that over the decades what this traditional ‘night out’ entails has slightly differed and changed. This may be a...
  • Opening of Rainbow Crossing on Campus

    As a rainbow flag flew gently above the Trent Building, at the feet of the main entrance to the Portland building lay another rainbow. Decorated across the road in bright and cheerful paint was the new University of Nottingham rainbow crossing. “A generous crowd accumulated as LGBT+ officer Sam...
  • Democratic Review 19/20: Interview with Lee Taylor

    Lee Taylor is the Environmental and Social Justice Officer at the University of Nottingham’s Students’ Union. This role encourages the SU to make a bigger impact into environmental and societal issues, both in the student community and further afield. For example, strengthening and reforming the ESJ Network, expanding Sustainability Week...
  • Nadia Whittome: The UK’s Youngest MP

    “If you don’t let us dream, we won’t let you sleep,” Nadia told parliament in her maiden speech in the House of Commons on the 21st of January. Aged just 23, Nadia is currently the youngest member of parliament but is already looking like a force to be reckoned...
  • Nottingham’s General Election Candidates

    News reporter Simeon Lee reports on the candidates standing in seats that Nottingham students reside in.  If you are registered to vote in Nottingham but are unsure of which constituency you live in, simply visit this website and enter your Nottingham postcode: https://members.parliament.uk/constituencies/. Broxtowe Anna Soubry, The Independent Group...
  • Update: UCU Strike Action

    Wednesday 4th December saw the end of University and College Union (UCU) strikes as negotiations with UUK were reopened. Striking staff have returned to work but the UCU stresses that the industrial action over pensions, pay and equality is not over yet. The strike action has highlighted major flaws within...
  • General Election Candidates for Broxtowe

    The ballot paper in Broxtowe will be unlike most others around the country. It will come without a Liberal Democrat, with a candidate for The Independent Group for Change and will also star “Militant Elvis”. News reporter Simeon Lee investigates more on the candidates. The 2017 general election race...