• Killer Cosmetics

    120 billion units of packaging are produced in the global cosmetics industry annually, most of it is excess plastic and non-recyclable. “Many cosmetic brands are now ‘cruelty-free’ and ‘vegan’” In our current climate, the typical consumer has become more aware of these environmental issues, catalysing a shift towards more...
  • Silence in the workplace allows sexual harassment to thrive

    The #MeToo movement that went viral via Twitter last year gives a clear insight into the number of people that are affected by sexual harassment. The movement has given thousands of men and women a voice on the issue, with many people coming forward with things that happened to...
  • The Best Christmas Jumpers of 2018

    Christmas season is officially upon us, and even you grinches who insist on the festivities being reigned in until December 1st can’t deny that! This means Christmas jumpers are back in store, and here are some of the best of 2018. Primark is with the times with this design. Millennial...
  • Clean Cut Kid @ Bodega

    Four-piece indie band Clean Cut Kid returned to Nottingham as part of their Give Love tour, taking to The Bodega’s stage for one night only. Comparable to bands like Fleetwood Mac and Fickle Friends, Clean Cut Kid proved they have a bright future ahead of them. “Playing in Nottingham...
  • Rosa’s Recommendation of the Week – Pieminister

    Pieminister, located on Long Row in the centre of Nottingham, is an award-winning restaurant specialising in pies. Among the 14 different pie options, there are a selection of small plate, sides, ‘sticks’, extras, and a range of desserts and drinks. Small plates include pigs in blankets and spicy cauliflower,...
  • Comfort Food – Thick Vegetable Soup

    Soup is the perfect meal for both lunch and dinner. This recipe is quick, easy, cheap to make and can be altered to use up your fresh veg! Ingredients: This recipe makes three servings. Vegetable stock cube 1 tin of chopped tomatoes 2 sticks of celery 2 carrots 150g...
  • Hungover Food Recommendations

    You know the feeling. Your head is pounding, your stomach is growling and you didn’t manage to make a late night trip to Maccies. You just need something to make you feel slightly more human and less like a zombie. Have no fear, here are the top food recommendations...