Nottingham is already classed as one of the UK’s most sustainable universities, with a clear aim to do more to help the environment. This institutionalised aim for change, together with the student population’s supposedly supportive attitude, could lead to a powerful contribution towards environmental protection. But what is actually...
120 billion units of packaging are produced in the global cosmetics industry annually, most of it is excess plastic and non-recyclable. “Many cosmetic brands are now ‘cruelty-free’ and ‘vegan’” In our current climate, the typical consumer has become more aware of these environmental issues, catalysing a shift towards more...
As you may or may not be aware, the European Parliament announced on October 24th that it was banning all single-use plastic. That means that all plastic products which are not reusable will be forbidden. So what does this ban entail, exactly, and what are the consequences of it?...
Where national news is concerned, it’s the biggest story to break this October. It’s controversial, it’s all anyone’s talking about and it’s really bad news for shopaholics. Impact Comment investigates how UoN students are handling the carrier-bag-crisis. When I first heard about the new plastic bag charge I...