• The Problem With Referendums

    Before I delve into the murky pit of decisiveness that calls itself the Brexit referendum, I feel I must first preface this argument with the statement that I am no great fan of the European Union. While I, like most sensible liberals, support many of the economic and immigratory...
  • The Impact Features Agony Aunt: Issue #2

    The Impact Features Agony Aunt is back with more pearls of wisdom for your problems! “Dear Agony Aunt, I met this guy recently in a club; he seemed nice and we kissed. I gave him my number and we met up the next day – I basically met up...
  • How Does Notts Help the Homeless?

    Homelessness in the UK has risen 54% in the UK since 2010, and, according to the homeless charity Framework, rough sleeping in Nottingham has increased to its highest level in 20 years – hardly shocking to students who would have by now realised that it’s rare not to see...
  • Agony Arts: ‘Stop Bashing My Books’

    The Agony Arts team returns to solve more of your arts related problems and dilemmas! This month Amy has written in about a problem that is close to the hearts of all literature lovers out there.  Dear Agony Arts, I am deeply distressed by a problem which has recently...
  • Agony Arts: ‘Do I have to be a teacher?’

    Have you ever had an arts problem that you just can’t get your head round? As a tortured, misunderstood artist there doesn’t seem to be any place to go and solve those arty issues that plague your life. We feel your pain. Well, Impact Arts  are here to save the day...