• Hawaii: Its Magnetic Resonance and I

    From 21st to the 28th April 2017, I attended the annual conference/exhibition held by the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. ISMRM is a globally recognised society and its annual meetings draw in thousands of experts and students whom attend in order to...
  • The Fallacy of the Scientific Fact

    The term scientific fact has been coined throughout history to stamp a sure-fire statement as a hard-nosed fact. This fact describes a truth that has evolved out of meticulously collected evidence, to support a well-grounded theory. Today, scientific evidence is deemed so reliable that it largely dictates how we...
  • UoN’s Answer to the Antibiotic Apocalypse

    We are living in a time where antibiotics are used as the ‘cure-all’, but imagine a hospital visit for minor surgery where antibiotics are no longer able to prevent us dying from a routine bacterial infection. This dystopian future has been described as “the return to the era before...
  • Over 1/3 of British students work “online” to fund university life

    Over a third of British students find jobs “online” to fund university life, new research has revealed. Money saving website www.VoucherCodesPro.co.uk has discovered that 23% of UK students who worked online to fund university life sold clothes, whilst 19% undertook “webcam work” and 11% worked in pornography. A total...