• Are Forest too good to go down?

    Each year there is a team that is considered by many as ‘too good to go down’. Pundits and fans alike will look at the squad, the manager and even the size of a club and prematurely deem them safe. Do Nottingham Forest fall under this category, or, given...
  • Misfiring Villains far short of Premier League target

    Aston Villa are not a typical Championship club. Not many teams in the division average over 30,000 for home attendances and can boast of winning the European Cup, like the Villains did in 1982. Only Nottingham Forest have won that particular trophy (twice), but in contrast to our local...
  • Will new signings be able to save decomposing Forest at the City Ground?

    After a turbulent start to the new year, with a manager, a captain, and a proposed new owner all cutting ties with the club, Nottingham Forest are in need of a sharp response if they are to successfully steady their rapidly sinking ship. The club needs to fill the...