• Why The Second Book Sucks

    Sequel. It has become a dreaded word in the literary world. So often, a sequel fails to live up to the brilliance of its predecessor. Amy Child asks why does ‘Second Book Syndrome’ affect so many stories, even those by talented writers?...
  • YA Dystopian Adaptations: The Downfall Of A Genre

    Daria Paterek The early 2010’s film industry was dominated by adaptations of young adult dystopian fiction. Producing classics such as The Hunger Games (2012), The Maze Runner (2014), and Divergent (2014) alongside less popular adaptations such as The Giver (2014), The 5th Wave (2016), and Ready Player One (2018)-...
  • Trailer Watch – The Woman In Black: Angel Of Death

    Daniel Radcliffe thought he’d ended the Woman in Black’s reign of terror. He failed. She is back. And as the trailer reminds us, she never forgives, she never forgets. Entitled Woman in Black: Angel of Death, this sequel looks to be just as scary as the first, though the...