Alyssa Ali Method acting is one of the most renowned acting styles used by actors to fully embody and channel their character. This can involve losing or gaining weight to fit the look, staying in character when the camera cuts, or following a daily routine similar to that of...
Alex Watkin With the worst of Covid-19 now hopefully behind us, Alex looks back at the heights of the pandemic to pick out key themes surrounding the virus and how it has affected our lives. Over the next few months, Alex will be curating film recommendations around these key...
In the wake of the thriller genre, 2018 has a surprising entry that is bound to peak your interest. American Pets, directed by Robert Logevall, had a special premiere at the recent Nottingham Film Festival. With the special opportunity to not only see the film before its initial release,...
Horror gets a little more visceral as we move into the second half of our journey. The relaxation of film censorship and changes in social attitudes in the 1970s meant that producers could churn out the kind of bloodthirsty cinema that would have been unthinkable a decade before. X-rated...
At the end of July, the long-running medical drama Casualty wrapped its 31st season with a finale completely composed of a single, 48-minute-long shot. Although some viewers may not have enjoyed it – complaining that it left them feeling queasy – it’s indisputable that one-shot filmmaking is a testament...
Stanley Kubrick once said “a filmmaker has almost the same freedom as a novelist has when he buys himself some paper”. A very optimistic opinion, especially considering the large number of films banned and given an X rating during the ’70s by the BBFC (thus making them unmarketable for...
Guillermo Del Toro’s latest film, Crimson Peak, starring Mia Wasikowska, Jessica Chastain and Tom Hiddleston, is a masterful Gothic romance that displays all the classic staples of the genre, and, as expected with a Del Toro film, features dazzling visuals. Del Toro tends to balance his art-house Spanish films...