• Baroness Cox Address at Christian Union Event

    On Thursday the 20th of February Baroness Caroline Cox gave a keynote evening speech to the Christian Union at the University of Nottingham. The Baroness recounted how she was originally not interested in politics during the time she worked as a nurse, but through gaining a peerage was able...
  • An Interrailing Travel Disaster

    Interrailing: the popular student getaway. Two weeks to explore Europe in the heat of summer along with the novelties of aching legs and sun burnt shoulders. In many senses a budget holiday, interrailing gives you a taste of backpacking in short space of time. However, like any holiday, it...
  • Christian Union Events Week – Interview with Keziah Nightingale

    For anyone who has noticed a big, white marquee on The Downs this week and perhaps found themselves wondering what is happening within, fear not – you can find answers to all of your questions here in my interview with Keziah Nightingale, one of the organisers of the ‘’...
  • Torn from home: Meeting Child Holocaust survivor, Joan Salter MBE

    Freedom is fundamental to our human rights, according to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. We are created to be free and to act freely. Our human rights may not free us from our daily responsibilities like paying rent or meeting a deadline, but they do provide us...