• 2015: Film Poll – Worst 5 Films

    We have spent a month looking forward to the potential cinematic highs and lows of 2016. But before January draws to an end, we should look back one last time at the hits and misses of 2015. We asked our readers to vote on their best and worst films...
  • The Future of Cinema: Franchises – The Original Screenplay or the Empty Seat?

    This autumn saw one of cinema’s biggest box office flops in the form of the Peter Pan remake: Pan. Despite a production budget of $150,000,000 and stars such as Cara Delevigne and Hugh Jackman – cinema goers didn’t bite the bait making it the 8th largest box office fail of all...

    Are you on the lookout for a new revision break location, a library alternative or perhaps a spot of celebratory coffee and cake? As Susan reveals, the answer is just on your doorstep… Opposite Sainsbury’s in Beeston lies a charming little café. The Bean was named one of the UK’s top...