• Should Prisoners have the Right to Vote?

    The aftermath of the 2015 General Election seems to have left a debris of discontent surrounding the British voting system. We have seen calls for reform and accusations that First Past the Post voting fails to fairly and accurately represent British voters. However, amidst this media mayhem, arguably, one...
  • Biology of Voting: How Much Freedom Do You Really Have?

    With the final deadline for proxy voting now passed, all that remains in the general election cycle is for the population of the United Kingdom to cast their ballots on May the 7th. Each member of our society with voting eligibility will attempt to rationally determine the foremost candidate...
  • Why do voting trends in the SU leader and General elections differ?

    What do Nick Clegg, the mysterious YOLO, and the barrage of other names you’ve been subjected to this week have in common? Lack of self-respect, less-than acerbic wit or an inability to keep promises? No, of course not! They’re all out for your vote, and this year, the Students’...
  • That pink bus: “condescending, degrading and, frankly, almost comical”

    The total inclusion of women in the political debate is a prerequisite for a functional democracy. However, the means by which the Labour party has sought to achieve this end are inherently misguided. The “pink bus”, through which Labour has intended to connect with the female electorate, is condescending,...
  • Notts Student Manifesto 2015 launched

    The Notts Student’s Manifesto was launched on Thursday evening at Nottingham Trent’s Students’ Union. Students testified in support of the policies proposed in the manifesto, which has created jointly by the Students’ Unions at University of Nottingham (UoN), Nottingham Trent and New College Nottingham. The Manifesto’s purpose is to highlight key...