• Blank Canvases: Masterpiece Or Minimalism To The Extreme?

    Victoria Mileson A Danish museum has asked an artist to return around 534,000 kroner (£61,000) that he had been given in cash to recreate his previous artworks using banknotes, after he produced blank canvases with the title ‘Take the Money and Run’. The pieces are part of an exhibition...
  • BookTok: The Viral Book Recommendations On TikTok

    Victoria Mileson You’ve heard of bookstagram, possibly. Well, now it’s time for BookTok. Book bloggers are taking social media platform, TikTok, by storm and regularly recommending their favourite reads. Victoria Mileson delves deeper into the trend. Some accounts focus on more niche recommendations but there are some clear blogger...
  • The ‘Mona Lisa’: The Heist That Made The Masterpiece

    Victoria Mileson The ‘Mona Lisa’ by Leonardo da Vinci is one of the world’s most treasured artworks. However, the ‘Mona Lisa’ wasn’t always seen as the great masterpiece that it’s known as today. In fact, it was only following a heist in 1911 that the painting achieved its high...
  • Lace market graffiti collage

    Spaces and Places: Lace Market Graffiti

    Fatima Bobboyi   Lace Market (art) always moves me in so many indescribable ways 4/10/2021 (1:34pm) I have always found art to be effortlessly intriguing and captivating. But that of Lace Market always moves me in so many indescribable ways. It has a way of stealing me, even if...
  • The Artistic Mind: Interview With ARTSOC

    Fatima Bobboyi and Gemma Cockrell The first thing that intrigued me about Gemma Cockrell was that she’s a Psychology student and, between being the Music Editor at Impact Magazine and the Publicity Secretary of ARTSOC, I found that really fascinating. In this interview, Fatima encourages Gemma to explore her...
  • Bears In Children’s Books: A Generational Favourite

      Victoria Mileson Bears are a classic and favourite character among children’s books. It seems bizarre considering that bears are one of the animals that humans fear most. However, bear-related stories have withstood the test of time and have remained both a child’s and adult’s favourite for generations. Victoria...
  • Fetishization of ‘Art Heists’: Movies vs. Reality

     Victoria Mileson It’s no secret that heists make for great entertainment. From the classic The Italian Job to the more recent Ocean’s films, we never seem to get tired of the classic heist tale and there’s always an opportunity for a new angle. We find ourselves rooting for the...