• What Oscar Nominated Films You Should See, Based On Your Horoscope

    Are you skating with the pros or sleeping with the fishes? Holly Wilson is here with your monthly Impact horoscope instalment and much needed advice on what you should watch next. Aries (March 21- April 19):  I, Tonya Trailer: Find yourself contemplating smashing someone’s knee in so you can...
  • ‘The DofE Expedition’: A Horror Story Like No Other

    Every year, groups of secondary school kids are lured into the great outdoors, wearing rucksacks twice their own body weight, eating cereal bars by the dozen with dodgy map directions glued to their hands – and why? For a certificate and a, dare I say it, rather crummy badge....
  • Acting, SoulJam, Drunk-Texting And Being Grateful: Another Month In The Life Of Our Freshers Columnist

    March. The month after February, the month before April. The month that’s only one month before April and two before May. If I was having a conversation with you I would say: “Ah, mate – it’s not been too shabby. Yourself?” Alas however, it is not; it’s a column....
  • ABC, Easy as 123…Or Is It?

    The Government hopes to make tests on times tables and grammar mandatory in all schools by 2020 in a plan to improve the numeracy and literacy skills among students. Despite considerable opposition from many teachers in the country, including the National Association of Head Teachers, the Department of Education...
  • Emergency? There’s an Uber 2 Minutes Away!

    In a worrying new phenomenon, a record number of people have been picking an Uber instead of calling an ambulance for their chosen method of transport to hospital. These revelations originate from a study by the University of Kansas, but with the UK’s national target for ambulance waiting times...
  • It’s Snow Joke

    The incoming blizzard has already begun to affect the university, with hundreds of students staying in bed to avoid the cold, or coming to lectures solely for the central heating. The worst of the cold weather is predicted on Thursday and Friday this week, as cold air is displaced...
  • Experiencing The #VisitMyMosque Initiative

    “Terrorists’, “Sexist” and “Backwards”.  These are just some of the phrases that Muslim people come face to face with every day. We see aggressive words like “terrorists” alongside non-aggressive words like “Islam”, quite literally meaning ‘peace to people’, in newspapers and on TV every day. For those of us...