• Footprints in the snow

    In Winter, I collapse

    Mary Irene Carolan  ‘I appreciate your concern. None of this is your fault. It’s me. It’s me and my head. In Winter, I collapse’ Virginia Woolf, Letter to Violet Dickinson (January 1909). I would draw the sun in the corner of the page; bright, yellow, the crayon outside of...
  • A microphone at a conference

    What ‘The Great British Growth Rally’ reveals about current British Politics

    Catrin Hadaway  This year, Liz Truss made a guest appearance at the annual Conservative party conference where she distracted from Rishi Sunak’s battle to defend his position as Prime Minister. This conference, which was held from 1st-4th October, marks a year from when Truss herself was, notoriously having the...
  • A person using a remote to navigate the TV which is in the background

    From Politics to Primetime: The Rise of Politicians in Reality TV Shows

    Katie Sullivan  Currently, there is a heated debate amongst current affairs surrounding the risky games our current and former politicians are playing when entering various reality TV shows, with former UKIP leader Nigel Farage taking on the challenges of the I’m A Celebrity Jungle. The majority of these politicians/stars...
  • A student studying.

    Changes to the EC policy and how it will affect students

    As of September 2023, the University of Nottingham has implemented a significant change to its Extenuating Circumstances (EC) policy, which has caused some confusion and upset among students. Leacsaidh MacDonald Marlow explores the details of the policy changes which will affect all students at the university this year, as...
  • A blue puzzle piece with a yellow heart surrounded by grey puzzle pieces

    Neurodivergence and the Student Experience

    Abigel Lancaster  What comes to your mind when you hear the term “neurodivergent”? Is it a learning difficulty, a limiting label? As the name suggests, neurodivergence is a difference in the way an individual’s brain is wired. Whilst having a neurological disorder, whether it be ASD, ADHD, dyslexia or...
  • Society Spotlight: Enactus Nottingham

    Evie Crossland  Enactus is a non-profit student-led organisation which harnesses the entrepreneurial skills of students to create positive social and environmental change. In light of Welcome Week, I caught up with Enactus Nottingham’s President, Jonathan Priddle, and Vice-President, Aymbujan Srijothy, to find out more about the organisation.   Evie –...
  • A lecture room full of empty seats

    What I’d tell my First Year Self: Settling into Uni

    University can be quite an uncertain and scary prospect for students coming out of a protected environment, such as school. Not only do students have to continue focusing and working towards academic achievement, but also learn to become completely independent, often in a new town/city surrounded by completely new...