• Breaking Stereotypes: Millennials and Generation Z

    On thinking about our futures, we as university students have it hard and possibly harder now than ever before. My time at University is drawing to a close as I begin the second term of my final year at Nottingham and I cannot help but feel as though I...
  • The People’s Vote: An opportunity for young adults to reclaim their future

    Flashback to the 23rd of June 2016. It is our final school assembly, the same day we wave goodbye to our British headmaster, who had guided the school for 25 years. I am gripped to my phone, so is my friend to my left, and a few other Year...
  • Pro-porn vs. Anti-porn Feminists

    There have always been disputes between factions of the feminist movement, ranging from issues including what ‘gender equality’ actually means and how this can realistically be achieved. Pornography has been a contradictory issue between feminists since the late 1970s; with pro-porn feminists claiming it is liberating for women whilst...
  • #ThisIsNotConsent:  Ireland’s Rape Trial Reveals Pervasive Rape Culture

    Earlier this month, a court in Ireland found a 27 year old man not guilty of raping a 17 year old girl, after the defence lawyer told the jury that they had ‘to look at the way she was dressed. She was wearing at thong with a lace front’....
  • Questioning the lack of racial diversity in the Twilight saga

    The first Twilight movie premiered on 21st November 2008, and the ten-year anniversary of the beginning of the franchise that broke many box office records started a lot of conversations on topics that would not have been discussed as openly ten years ago. Catherine Hardwicke directed the first movie...
  • Animal Sentience or Just Plain Nonsense?

    The government’s recent decision to scrap the EU law that non-human animals are sentient beings is a controversial one, to say the least. In the interest of clarity, the government have neither explicitly denied nor supported the EU law. But this has led many to question whether this leaves...

    On 2nd October 2018, Theresa May announced that heterosexual couples would be allowed the right to a civil partnership like same-sex couples do. The move comes after a heterosexual couple fought for four years to be allowed a civil partnership. I rejoiced at the news. It’s about time that...