• The “Rise” of Politics in Popular Culture

    It is common, these days, to see angry tweets or Facebook posts railing against the so-called ‘rise’ of politically charged popular culture. They say that this prevalence of politics on our TV screens and in our earbuds is a recent trend. And yet, when we consider the entertainment of...
  • The Red Box Project Tackles Period Poverty Across Schools In The UK

    Period poverty is a huge issue across the globe, and is especially detrimental to the education of school children; with an estimated 49 per cent of young woman aged 14-21 having missed an entire day of education because of their period....
  • The Weight of Words

    When news recently broke of Caroline Flack’s death, thousands flocked to social media to express their disbelief. In sombre posts, users celebrated the former Love Island presenter’s traits: her natural vivacity, warm aura, bright smile and impressive presenting skills....
  • “I’m just a little bit OCD”- the Phrase Trivialising a Serious Condition

    We’ve all seen The Big Bang Theory and Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners, but are these shows actually portraying Obsessive compulsive disorder or just reinforcing a stereotype which has been long used as a way to get some laughs and shock value? With these kinds of shows the issue is that the...
  • Do We Need The Royal Family?

    With many countries having abolished their monarchies, it begs the questions does Britain really need a royal family? For me I’ve always been a royal fan. I love what the royal family represents in terms of historical continuity and culture. I believe that having a royal family sets Britain...
  • Gender and Racial Prejudices in the Judicial System

    The legal system is often thought of as a safety net for the masses, a platform for disputes to be resolved justly and objectively. Unfortunately, however, judgement is often not impartial, and to a certain extent, this may be due to prejudice against people’s identities. In particular, minority groups...
  • The Rise of the Menstrual Cup

    Sustainability has never felt more important than at the current moment. As a society, we are surrounded by news of the growing climate emergency and plastic pollution. More people than ever are vocal about the necessity for more individual and collective effort at reducing waste, for a balance with...