• Could Global Warming Cause The Next Pandemic?

    Climate change is a serious issue, with arguably the most prominent effect being global warming. This warming is getting increasingly serious as time goes on, with the Earth’s temperature increasing 1°C since 1880, and if the Earth gets warmer by 1.5°C serious irreversible ecological damage will occur. The oceans...
  • A poster-sign with the words 'There is no Planet B'

    60+ Academics Call For Nottingham to Switch to Plant-Based Catering

    Student-led Plant-Based Universities is a national campaign supported by Animal Rising which has branches within over 70 universities. Leacsaidh Macdonald Marlow explores the UK-based campaign which began in 2021 with the intention of encouraging universities to tackle climate change through plant-based eating.  ...
  • A green tree

    Can Trees Communicate and Feel Emotions?

    Ella Pilson For the first time over the Christmas holidays, I watched Avatar. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect with bad reviews after the first film, ranging from its three hour long length, the special effects not outweighing the costs or for some the underwhelming storyline. However, I...
  • Impact’s Guide to the COP27 Conference

    According to a recent UN report, global greenhouse gas emissions have experienced limited reductions since COP26. The international community, the report warns, must go further and faster on net zero in order to meet global targets. The 1.5°C goal of global warming is rapidly slipping away.  Matthew Murray writes...
  • Photo of a lighthouse and a massive wave crashing onto the land with grey and stormy skies

    Dudley, Eunice And Franklin: Is There More Stormy Weather Ahead?

    Eleanor Ames delves into whether the recently UK storms which have caused destructing all across the country could have been caused by climate change, and if this is just the beginning of more extreme weather......
  • Why Population Control Is Not The Answer

    Many have felt in recent times that the earth is running out of space and by extension we need to control the population. In the face of the growing climate change such a call has become more appealing, but is this just a siren call?...
  • Photo of a person holding up a reusable cup

    How To Live More Sustainably As A Student

    Daria explores different ways students could adopt sustainable practices into their daily lives....