The Theory of Everything was one of the most successful films of 2014 with Eddie Redmayne winning an Oscar for his portrayal of the man in the spotlight, Stephen Hawking. This documentary delves deeper into his life where we learn about his day-to-day activities and the challenges he faces....
‘I am the one who knocks’. Even if you’ve never heard of Walter White, chances are you know his catchphrase. My first encounter occurred during year one of University. Whilst looking for posters to fill my empty room, I came across a certain goateed bald-man, accompanied by a specific quote…. At this...
In 2014 Louie went from a show which cared not a jot about structure or storytelling to delivering what were essentially three sprawling TV movies – ‘The Elevator’, ‘Into The Woods’ and ‘Pamela’ – which were existential, dense and often rather sombre tales. It’s easy sometimes to forget that Louie is...
The Strain is back for a second season, and after the end of its inaugural chapter last year which left the audience with more than one question unanswered, this new trailer reveals there is going to be some new challenges with the whole of the city infested with the race...
The first of four collaborations between Marvel Studios and online streaming service Netflix, Marvel’s Daredevil is a fascinating depiction of good versus evil at its core. Marvel’s latest foray in television (or web television in this case) convinces beyond doubt; while Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. largely recovered from a sluggish start,...
After the critical success of True Detective it was only right that a second series be made. As confirmed previously, this trailer shows us that this season will not follow on from the previous storyline and offers a new detective story and setting. Colin Farrell and Vince Vaughn may...
5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Thunderbirds Are GO! The boys from International Rescue are back, mixing CGI effects and live action sets to create a punchy revamp of the classic show. ITV’s Thunderbirds Are Go may not be perfect, but it is a lot of fun and should easily keep...