Cora-Laine Moynihan Over the past decades a change has occurred. This change began as a singular entity that then became two, three, then four and soon enough it became millions. This change became millions of women breaking into the world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to assert their...
Netflix’s absurdist comedy returns, following the Baudelaire orphans through another series of unfortunate events. Remaining a uniquely surreal and sardonic addition to Netflix’s catalogue, A Series of Unfortunate Events continues to be a darkly comic show – don’t look away! Series two of the show recounts books five to...
It’s been a long time coming for fans of the series, but Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events is now almost here. And it looks fantastic. The story of the Baudelaire orphans has fascinated children in book form for well over a decade, but after being adapted as...