After Rashford's campaign to ensure children get feed over the summer holiday, Kayleigh Moore explores school meals their history and their importance....
The UK’s six richest people control as much wealth as the poorest 13 million, according to recent research by The Equality Trust. Within the last decade, the number of billionaires in the UK has almost doubled and the wealth of the UK’s billionaires has also more than doubled. Notably,...
Brand has proven he is flaky and unreliable in his infamous change of heart which suddenly saw him canvass votes for Labour. “Sell us a book on revolution and then tell us to vote Labour? You’re a turncoat!” “F*** him. He should not be on stage. Ask them how...
Syriza has waltzed into power in Greece, now commanding nearly half the seats in the Greek parliament. A country fuelled on the woes of the economic and social crises of the Eurozone, it should be of no surprise that the electorate in Greece voted in a party that has...