• Sustainable Shopping: Online

    As much as we all love an extensive hunt through the countless charity shops and thrift stores that Nottingham has to offer, what could be better than grabbing a cheeky deal from the comfort of your bed? All of this whilst saving unwanted items from landfill. Here are some...
  • Fancy Dress Hacks

    We all know that fancy dress is a big part of uni culture and it is not just exclusive to Welcome Week. Fresher’s is only the beginning of a long few years of endless themed nights out and socials. If you join a sports team or society you may...
  • Let’s Articulate #17: Are Books Better From Bookstores Or Charity Shops?

    Book lovers, which do you prefer: old battered charity shop books or the classic clean nice-smelling Waterstones editions? Impact Arts goes head to head to debate this crucial issue in any bookworm’s life! In the red corner: Emma Pallen – New books are better! While I will admit second...
  • Nottingham’s Best Shopping Route

    The experienced shopper knows that a well or ill planned route can make or break a successful shopping trip. To give you an idea what Nottingham has to offer – and believe us it is a lot more than you might think – we put together this handy little...