• Ronan Sullivan: Freshers’ Column #1

    The Oxford English Dictionary defines fresher as a “young frog”. In many ways, we are all young frogs. Born small into the big pond flailing, thrust into a world we know nothing of, battling to stay afloat amidst the copious amounts of liquid swirling around us (the liquid in...
  • Study Abroad Column: Settling in

    Ellie O’Donnell will be keeping us updated with her study abroad adventures from North America. Keep a look out for more of Ellie’s articles over the year! After a few weeks of settling in and starting at York University, I saw the huge perks of living in downtown Toronto...
  • The Trials and Tribulations of Third Year #5

    Recognise how Natalie is feeling? Comment below and let us know! There are plenty of things about third year that I don’t like, but the biggest thing is that I’m always acutely aware that lurking just around the corner is graduation. Feeling sentimental on my 21st birthday I began to realise...
  • The Trials and Tribulations of Third Year #4

    Trying not to look homeless, unfriending racists, and panicking about the future: it’s been an interesting week for third year Natalie. Recognise how she is feeling? Comment below and let us know!  My week began with being locked out of my house and huddling on the doorstep, trying to...
  • Floss Thinks…

    …about when to wear what. Last week I went with my family to see my 17-year-old brother at his military boarding school and attend their Remembrance Day service. We had been to a similar event in the summer for the school’s AGI (annual general inspection) which involved a large...
  • The Trials and Tribulations of Third Year #3

    This week, Natalie has realised that being a third year maybe isn’t actually that bad. Recognise how she is feeling? Comment below and let us know! After having a great week (my fictional relationship with the hot guy at Jubilee gym peaked yesterday when our eyes met over the...
  • Floss Thinks…

    …about jobs for the boys! Having been incredibly organised and making a spreadsheet of my finances, it turned out I have an alarming minus £4.19 disposable income per week (result: misery). Moving out of catered halls and into a house requires this kind of responsible planning to ensure participation in...