• Get Crafty With Your Old Editions Of Impact!

    Phoebe Raine As the festive season approaches for many of us, tight purse strings and a love for the environment may have us reaching for the craft box for a handmade Christmas. On a student budget, stepping into Christmas can be hard, but fear not, Impact is here to...
  • New year, new you, new room!

    It’s a new semester, you’ve moved back into your room and fancy a change. Your endless Instagram scrolling sessions and multiple Pinterest boards have made you believe you’re the next best interior designer so it’s very easy to get carried away and let the bills rack up when decorating...
  • Top 3 Upcoming (Non-Clubbing) Events in Nottingham

    As the nights get colder and our wallets lighter, at this time of year it is always difficult to afford good days/nights out. Plus, if you like to give your liver a rest before Christmas, then sometimes it’s nice to go to an event that doesn’t demand shots… Impact Features...