• Girls Do Better At All-Girls Schools, Research Finds

    According to studies and research, girls who attend all-girls schools get better results than girls with similar backgrounds who attend mixed schools. They also do better than boys in all-boys schools....
  • girl studying for featured image

    Does university suit your learning style?

    Anna Boyne Have you ever sat in a lecture and struggled to focus on what’s being said? Or perhaps you wonder why your course mate can soak up all the information without making notes? Maybe you can never understand a practical until you’ve done it yourself. Everyone prefers to...
  • Education, Access and Menstrual Equity: UoN and Government Efforts in Combatting Period Poverty

    Manjot Sahota The World Bank estimates that over 500 million menstruating people worldwide lack the resources they need to manage their periods. This is a denial of basic human rights for so many across the globe, in both the Global North and South. In a recent survey, Action Aid...
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    The Surprising Ways Speaking Multiple Languages Shapes Our Lives 

    Katie Sullivan Psycholinguists have discovered that individuals who are capable of speaking two languages or more are typically much better at switching focuses. Subsequently, they are much better at selecting information and focusing on relevant topics. This can often give bilingual individuals the upper hand in terms of real-life...
  • How the Romanticisation of Academia is Unrealistic

    Alicia Lacey The rise in popularity around studying, exams, university life and general academia has created an obsession with a persona surrounding the aesthetic of learning. Alicia Lacey shares her thoughts on the problem of romanticising academia. This romantic view of education has led to unrealistic expectations which includes...
  • Sunak Announces A-Level Overhaul

    Rishi Sunak has pledged to widen the variety of academic and technical subject choices for 16-18 year-olds, through a new Advanced British Standard Qualification, which will involve a form of compulsory Maths and English for all....
  • A Golden Ticket To Social Mobility?

    Megan Mahoney On Tuesday 18th April, hundreds of state-educated university students were invited to the ‘Social Mobility Factory’ in London. It is the brainchild of Sophie Pender, founder of the 93% club – a simultaneously inclusive and exclusive club for state-educated university students. Since its conception in 2015, most...