• Do English Students Only Study ‘Dead White Males’?

    Studies of English – and universities in general – have been overwhelmingly dominated by men for the greater part of their existence. With such a history of white masculine authority, it is difficult for the arts to shake off the ‘dead white men’ image. Nowadays, however, nationwide English courses...
  • Essay Preparation: Cramming vs. Planning

    It will come as no surprise that preparing for coursework assignments months in advance usually correlates to better results. After all, allowing yourself lots of time to research, compile resources, plan and write your essay certainly provides a larger degree of security; you can be confident you have the...
  • Agony Arts: ‘Do I have to be a teacher?’

    Have you ever had an arts problem that you just can’t get your head round? As a tortured, misunderstood artist there doesn’t seem to be any place to go and solve those arty issues that plague your life. We feel your pain. Well, Impact Arts  are here to save the day...
  • The failure of Further Education colleges is a failure of the entire system

    There is an acute problem in the quality of our further education (FE) establishments. A third of those which provide ‘low cost’ degrees, costing £7,500 or less annually, have failed recent inspection by the Quality Assurance Agency.   The agency is yet to publish a report addressing why 14...