• The Presence Of Celebrities In Video Games

    Daria Paterek Celebrities began to have a noticeable presence in video games during the early 2000s. Night Trap, starring Dana Plato (an American actress), was the first time an established celebrity worked on a video game. Celebrities continued starring in video games, but mainly through voice acting. The most notable example...
  • Ubisoft VS Gaming’s #MeToo Moment

    Myron reveals Ubisoft’s sickening abuse culture and their abysmal response. In the past few weeks a wave of misconduct allegations have rocked all corners of the videogame industry, from streaming to development to communities around individual games. Even Super Smash Bros!, most high-profile of all, are included in the...
  • E3 2017 Part 1 – EA and Ubisoft

    In the past, both EA and Ubisoft have produced games that I have spent a lot of time on and thoroughly enjoyed. In recent times this enjoyment has been overshadowed as a consequence of their terrible business models and lack of care for the consumer. The following is an E3...
  • Horizon Zero Dawn: First Impressions

    If you know anything about action-RPG gaming, then you’ll know that one of the most highly anticipated games of early 2017 is Horizon Zero Dawn, the latest offering from Guerrilla Games. Released on the PS4 on the 1st March, it has so far proved to be an unexpectedly remarkable...