The third outing of the hit Netflix show offers solid performances and a keen attention to detail, although ultimately never quite reaches the heights of the first two series....
In a new age of campaigns for inclusivity and diversity, there is no doubt that there is a new found motivation for individuals who want to be involved in the push towards modernity. Yet, the way I see it, it is important to do this carefully so that your...
After the financial (if not critical) success of Disney and Tim Burton’s 2010 Alice in Wonderland, the film that spawned the success of the studio’s live-action remakes such as last year’s Cinderella, it comes as no surprise that 2016 brings the film adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s much-loved sequel: Alice...
From the genius quirks of Tim Burton comes a sequel to the wonderful star-studded 2010 film Alice in Wonderland– this time it’s Alice Through the Looking Glass. Since the first film was based on the classic Lewis Carrol books mixed with the beautiful madness of Tim Burton’s mind, the...
‘I’d rather be a rebel than a slave’; This historical quotation proved controversial; yet no words ring truer for Sarah Gavron’s Suffragette. Set in 1912, the film follows the fictional, working-class woman Maud Watts (Carey Mulligan), we see her evolve from meek, vulnerable laundry lackey to a dedicated and...
Documenting one of the most poignant periods of British history, Suffragette, directed by Sarah Gavron, follows the story of the radical Women’s Suffrage Movement, and the trials and tribulations they faced in order to gain the vote, attempt to create change, and become equal to men. The film, directed...
This enchanting remake of the animated 1950 classic has the very essence of Disney woven throughout. With a dynamic cast and stunning setting, this magical remake will capture your heart and make you fall in love with the fairy tale all over again. There is always a certain amount...