After six series, numerous Christmas specials and five years, on Christmas Day it was finally time to wave goodbye to ITV’s smash hit period drama Downton Abbey. Following a series full of twists and turns, viewers were left on tenterhooks, with everything to be resolved in this final feature-length...
Sad times are ahead for period drama fans as ITV’s iconic Downton Abbey comes to an end this autumn with a sixth and final series. After following the trials and tribulations of the Crawley family, through happiness and sorrow, the new series’ intriguingly bittersweet trailer skilfully creates a sense...
Based on the beloved book series by Michael Bond, and from the producers of Harry Potter, there are high expectations for the newest adaptation of Bond’s books, Paddington. From the trailer it definitely seems to be meeting these expectations, capturing the charm of this bear from deepest, darkest Peru. The...