Homelessness in the UK has risen 54% in the UK since 2010, and, according to the homeless charity Framework, rough sleeping in Nottingham has increased to its highest level in 20 years – hardly shocking to students who would have by now realised that it’s rare not to see...
To continue Impact’s new ‘Challenges’ feature, we challenged Jennifer to find out: is it possible to get an egg to survive Ocean? Simply put, no. What started out as optimistic intentions soon found ‘Eggbert’ going to a better place as he was pronounced dead at 12:09am in the chaos that is the...
Scrolling through various student publications, it won’t be long before you stumble upon an article that may as well be titled My Uni Is Better Than Your Uni Because I Go Here, with a considerable number of these articles essentially doing little more than listing all the reasons Oxford...
With a new year comes a new start – or so they say. But really, after a couple of days the feeling of being born again has already been stamped out. Nothing is different from how it was the year before; the weather is the same, the people are...
Ah, the age-old rivalry between any two universities occupying a single medium-sized town – the posh wankers and the polys. But while it’s so easy to generalise and hate on our Trent neighbours, how much do UoN students actually know about how the other half live? Rebecca Harvey explores...
These days, there is a lot of controversy over the word ‘feminism’. For some, it means a fight for the attainment of equality of the sexes, whilst others view it as a vehicle to man-hating. The Oxford English Dictionary defines feminism as ‘the advocacy of women’s rights on the...
Already spent all your student loan? You’re not the only one. We’ve all done at least one or two of these at some point during our time at uni, so stop regretting that extra night out which took you into your overdraft and embrace the fact that other people...