• Instagram and Snapchat – is it having a negative impact on today’s youth?

    OK, I know that social media’s impact is analysed day in and day out literally inside and out by the private and public sphere. However, this is a pertinent question since it is affecting young people. Today’s generation seem to be more than ever sucked into a social media...
  • Making extra money over summer: Depop edition

    If you are strapped for cash this summer and do not have the time for a job (or your job is not paying enough), then Depop is the way to go… If you know me, then you know I am a massive shopaholic, buying most of my clothes online....
  • Fashion Icon: Joanna Kuchta

    I started following Joanna Kuchta on Twitter when I was in year eleven and I haven’t looked back since. Kuchta quickly became noticed by posting super cute (and sometimes controversial) pictures of her outfits and her previous boyfriend, Joe Fahy, creating an Instagram feed that is to die for....
  • In Scott Laudati’s Bones – Can Music Videos Save Poetry?

    Chances are you haven’t noticed, but poetry has experienced something of a revival recently. Love her or loathe her, Rupi Kaur’s collections have been flying off shelves, with no intention of stopping, faster than you can say ‘Instagram poetry is shit’. Claudia Rankine’s brilliant and experimental Citizen: An American...
  • What’s the alternative to Facebook?

    Following the recent Cambridge Analytica scandal, the hashtag #DeleteFacebook was trending, and many considered jumping ship (though, according to Mark Zuckerberg, no “meaningful number” did). But the social media giant is something that a lot of people – particularly university students – use regularly as part of their everyday...
  • Young, 20-Something Graduate, Built-In Quarter-Life Crisis

    When we reach our late teens and begin to progress into our 20s, it can be one of the most difficult transitions of our lives. Worries about the future start to manifest as the end of university comes into sight, along with an uncertainty of what career to pursue....
  • English Society Invade Prague

    To celebrate an end to the stressful January assessment season, a group of students from the English Society took off to Prague for a couple of days. In this article, I will give you an in-depth review of the city, featuring our highlights and tips for your potential future...