Curiously abstract and startlingly original, Timon/Titus is a savage exploration of the themes of debt and guilt. Based loosely around the Shakespearean tragedies Timon of Athens and Titus Andronicus, this new play presents the audience with a series of stark moral questions, each depicted through multiple layers of outright...
Impact Arts’ Tom Proffitt spoke to three more of the cast of Nottingham Lakeside Arts’ Blue Stockings to find out the behind the scenes gossip. Can you describe which character in Blue Stockings you play and how they are/like differ from your own character and your own university experience?...
Closer is a play about four individuals who form different sets of couples. Set in 1990s London, it is a tale of lust, love, deception and betrayal that at times is disturbing in its portrayal of what people can do to each other but is also simultaneously a reminder...