• 2014 – A Year In Review

    Ambition. The driving force of all the arts, ambition was as much the subject of 2014’s cinematic output as it was the modus operandi. From the pseudo-philosophical posturing of Interstellar to the Achilles heel of tragic protagonists (Inside Llewyn Davis, Starry Eyes), ambition has proved a millstone just as...
  • Review – Interstellar

    There are few directors in the world given complete freedom to create any project desired and Christopher Nolan is one of them. His projects have grown from Memento and The Prestige to the Batman trilogy and Inception, and Interstellar takes his work to another dimension… literally. Films with the...
  • Trailer Watch – Comic Con Previews Part Deux

    Following our first installment of Comic Con trailer and preview highlights, we bring you the sequel, featuring space, cornfields and the latest in a little franchise called The Hunger Games… Interstellar Release Date: 7th November 2014 Following his surprise appearance at Comic Con, Christopher Nolan’s upcoming film Interstellar has a new...