Jerome Gerada As the world we live in gradually devolves into more of a twisted dystopia by the day, audiences may feel at ease settling into the fictional world of Arrakis, the main setting for Denis Villeneuve’s new film adaptation, Dune. The 1965 novel, from the creative mind of...
Avengers: Endgame concludes the ‘Infinity Saga’ for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which began with 2008’s Iron Man. To mark this momentous culmination, I’m going to take a look back at every single film and rank them. This list is a reflection of my opinions not as a critic but...
11 years, 22 films and 80 years of comic history, Marvel’s Avengers Endgame is a cultural event. It is the culminating film in the current era for Marvel Studios, which began in 2008 with Iron Man, and is a love letter to the fans as it follows on from...
How do you write a sequel to the highest grossing R-rated film of all time? This was the task given to director David Leitch. On Tuesday 15th the merc with the mouth, played by Ryan Reynolds returned to cinemas in Deadpool 2 to fight the time traveller Cable (Josh...
Ten years in the making and it’s finally here. Released in cinemas on Thursday 26th April Avengers: Infinity War is already breaking box office records, officially making it the most successful film of all time in its opening weekend, smashing Star Wars: Force Awakens by approximately $90 million. But...
Trying to review this film is particularly difficult for two reasons. The first has been well advertised: big things happen often in this film and talking about them would likely ruin the experience for anyone still yet to see it. It’s hard to discuss the finer aspects of a...
On November 29th, Marvel Entertainment released the first official trailer for Avengers: Infinity War, the long-awaited culmination of the Marvel cinematic universe, built up since Thanos’ first reveal all the way back in 2012 in the post-credit scene of the first instalment in the Avengers franchise, Avengers Assemble. A...