• Food And Mood In Quarantine

    Has your food intake risen since being in quarantine? Do you find yourself reaching more to those unhealthy items? Are you eating even when you’re not hungry? Well, it’s not a surprise. Food acts as a source of comfort as well as a good distraction from current events. It...
  • Welcome 2020 – What, Why and How?

    Think back to Welcome Week. Remember the legions of pink-shirted people there with you at every turn? No? Well then you probably did Welcome right, but these fun-loving, determined and caring people, called Welcome mentors, were indeed there, and now it’s your chance to join their ranks!...
  • Preview: Ravelength

    In aid of the charity Music Minds Matter and with a scintillating line-up of underground DJ’s, Ravelength is a new type of rave night taking place on March 27th that you won’t want to miss. Wavelength is a Nottingham-based charity event brand that organises music-focused events to raise money for...
  • Nott-Experts-Ep.8: A Day Out in Nottingham

    Stuck for something to do in Notts? Think you’ve done it all? Our Nott-Experts share a few of the the best things to do in Nottingham!  Kit Sinclair and Gareth Holmes Featured image courtesy of Impact Podcasts via Canva.  Music courtesy of audionautix.com   For more podcast content, as well as uni...
  • ‘Off the Wall’ – The Art Exhibition Coming to Lakeside Arts

    Have exam results got you down? Is dissertation stress wearing you thin? Are you in need of something more stimulating than Love Island to keep you going? Then pop on down to Lakeside Arts for something that will excite the imagination, immerse you as an audience member, and give...
  • Sexual Assault in Nottingham: A Student’s Perspective

    Following a reported increase in sexual assault cases in the Nottingham area, Impact caught up with Louise Parry-Clarke to discuss her endeavours tackle the issue from a student-led perspective....
  • Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity 12th-19th February 2020

    Joe and Lilith interview Louisa from the Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity, discussing some key events this week that you won’t want to miss!  To find out more, please visit https://nottsfosac.co.uk/ Joe Paternoster and Lilith Hudson   Feature image courtesy of https://nottsfosac.co.uk/ For more podcast content, as well...