• Musicality review: Love, Laughter and Loathing

    From Hamilton to Legally Blonde the Nottingham University Musicality performers put on a spectacle of songs from some of the most well-known musicals on stage. Their most recent sold-out production, titled ‘Love, Laughter and Loathing’, had audiences loving the talent, laughing at the theatrical comedy and loathing themselves for...
  • We’re Here for Laura @ NNT

    Nottingham New Theatre’s latest comedy We’re Here for Laura, a comedy about four horrible friends, written by Luwa Adebanjo and Kellyn Morrissey, and directed by Florence Avis, was a surprisingly light-hearted, entertaining exploration into the human inability to change. “It seemed like a caricature-esque Breakfast Club, a conclusion which...
  • Deliria @ NNT

    Daniel Morris’ Deliria is a heart wrenching tale of familial bonds, shrouded in the complexities of illness and survival amidst the dark urban future setting. “I entered rather apprehensive with only the knowledge of the vague plot brief” One always enters an unknown play with caution. The poster (by...
  • TV Review: Sainsbury’s Christmas Advert

    Yes, I know what you’re thinking, if the Christmas advert isn’t heart-wrenchingly John Lewis, you aren’t interested right? I’m calling you out on that and saying that the Sainsbury’s advert is THE highlight of the Christmas period. Put your tinsel-wrapped pitchforks down and hear me out. “The curtains pull...
  • Style Icon: Luke Spiller of The Struts

    The glam-rock frontman to English rock band, ‘The Struts’, is no stranger to the style influences of Freddie Mercury and Lady Gaga, embracing the flairs and frills of rock-stage attire. The Derby-born singer stands in a glowing mix of colours and fabrics, refusing to be confined by the gendering...
  • Impact Food: Mowgli

    As a lover of all things fun and quirky I had been desperate to enter Mowgli, the Indian Street Food restaurant that boasts swings for seats and fairy lights galore. Situated on a lively Lace Market corner sporting street circus acts and steel pan music, the atmosphere of Mowgli...