This month we asked for poetry submissions on the theme ‘Student Experience’. Writers could take any stance they wanted on the matter, be it positive or negative – all we ask for is for honesty and creativity. Check the results out below! Nottingham, When I Leave You nottingham, when...
Title: the sun and her flowers Author: Rupi Kaur Genre: Poetry Publisher: Simon and Schuster Published: 2017 Pages: 248 Following on from her hugely successful debut poetry collection, milk and honey, first published in 2014, the sun and her flowers was released in October 2017 after a highly anticipated wait. At...
MONDAY Day stretches its arms Crisp air slices tender skin, Early morning sun TUESDAY Fingers clasped tightly Steam rises from coffee cups Hunched shoulders, long breath WEDNESDAY Light – bursts through curtains The alarm rings, kettle sings Slow patter of feet THURSDAY Clouds sit on hangers, Pale faces pinched...
Lauren’s poetry is inspired by the nature she sees on campus and around Wollaton Park. Take a look at her wonderful words and photography as she explores the changing seasons in Nottingham… Regeneration Malevolent Mother Nature, her storm-threatening winter winds gnaw down to your bones and sever seemingly sturdy...
Lauren’s poetry is inspired by the nature she sees on campus and around Wollaton Park. Enjoy her poetic musings and beautiful photography on the subject of weather… Weather As inconsistent as a fickle lover, who murmurs promises to stay, whilst pulling the bedsheets from you, awakening cold and alone. Lauren...
Lauren’s poetry is inspired by the nature she sees on campus and around Wollaton Park. Take a look at her beautiful words and photography as she describes the feel of winter in Nottingham… Snowfall Serenity settles in the atmosphere like the crêpe-paper covering upon this landscape, as if your...
For the past 10 weeks I have had the pleasure of completing a work placement at Bromley House Library, a beautiful Georgian building hidden right in the city centre of Nottingham, on Angel Row. After all, it’s true that not much can go wrong when you put an English...