• Social Media in Lockdown: Friend or Foe?

    A clear outcome of the current lockdown measures imposed across the world is an increase in activity on social media. Social media has been a huge of our technology-driven society for over a decade now, so the fact that it has perhaps become more embedded into our current lives...
  • The Art of Acknowledging Our Histories

    With stringent lockdown measures in place due to the coronavirus outbreak, our sanctioned one hour of exercise each day is a godsend. Nothing has calmed my anxieties more than getting out for a walk around the park on a regular basis. The white hawthorns and healthy, green trees are...
  • Dear Graduating Class of 2020

    Dear Graduating Class of 2020- I get it. As a final year student, I understand the sadness, the anger and the pain you feel about not having the final term of university which you imagined. The one full of ‘lasts’- last library all-nighter, last trip to your favourite place...