• “Living With Covid” Could Come Sooner Than Expected

    Boris Johnson has announced that the plans to abolish all restrictions, including the rule to self-isolate, may be abolished a month early, sooner than the expected 24th March deadline. Impact’s Hannah Walton-Hughes comments on the PM’s decision and what this means for England....
  • 84% Support Wearing Face Masks After 19th July

    An exclusive survey from Impact Magazine, has found that 84% of our social media followers surveyed support wearing face masks in enclosed spaces to protect others, after the 19th July....
  • Influencers In Dubai: Insensitive Or Unavoidable

    Ah, a holiday. It’s what we all dream of in the current circumstances. Jetting off to somewhere hot, sipping a cocktail on the beach while gentle sounds of the sea come crashing in. However, this is the reality for some social media stars. But doesn’t it seem a little …insensitive?...
  • Tighter Lockdown Restrictions: Inevitability Through Bad Decisions

    Victoria Treiber Nearly a month into this lockdown now- I know, it doesn’t feel like it. For anyone in a similar position to me, the days have started to blur into one, only being broken up by sporadic calls from family and friends. For essential workers, however, it is unlikely to...