If you didn’t know already, Disney shorts are pretty darn special. Take Paperman, Day & Night or The Blue Umbrella, to name a few. They inject a little magic into few minute masterpieces of beautiful animation, unparalleled artistry and superlative storytelling. If the other Disney shorts are anything to go by, we have...
A dapper Colin Firth provides his sultry tones for the voice-over of this trailer. A stellar cast that includes Firth, Michael Caine, Samuel L. Jackson and Mark Strong. A small taste of the high-speed action that the film has to offer. Gadgets, gizmos and all the rest. What’s not...
Daniel Radcliffe’s acting prowess continues to improve as he establishes himself as a bona fide thespian with his bold choices in roles and critically acclaimed performances. Having previously given us a Halloween treat in 2012 with the classically horrifying The Woman in Black, Radcliffe takes a turn for the more twisted...
On this day back in 1994, “The First One” of the acclaimed sitcom Friends premiered, unaware of the momentous cultural impact the show would have in the years following. Now, on the 20th anniversary of the Pilot, we’re celebrating the series’ continuing flight of fandom as we countdown the...
Following our first installment of Comic Con trailer and preview highlights, we bring you the sequel, featuring space, cornfields and the latest in a little franchise called The Hunger Games… Interstellar Release Date: 7th November 2014 Following his surprise appearance at Comic Con, Christopher Nolan’s upcoming film Interstellar has a new...