Sean Bromilow On a crisp, cloudless night in Nottingham, how many stars can you see? According to this interactive map, made with data from the Countryside Charity’s 2023 Star Count, it’s likely that you won’t spot more than 10 stars in the entire sky. This isn’t a local issue,...
Yasmin Azizbayli March is not only a month of endometriosis awareness but also a month of educating people and spreading their knowledge about a disease that is often very hard to detect. Endometriosis is a global problem that afflicts both men and women, causing chronic pain that can prevent...
Imogen Simmonds 1 in 6 UK adults lack vitamin D. Why is vitamin D important and how does its absence negatively impact our health? Imogen Simmonds explores the research… Vitamin D is a naturally occurring hormone that the human body produces, but it can also be obtained through your...
On 6th February 2024, the University of Nottingham announced their development of a new, more accessible and cost-effective, technology for gastrointestinal cancer screening. ...
Vishvajyth Ponnambalam Research conducted in the UK has found that a now obsolete hormone therapy treatment caused Alzheimer’s, a common and (currently) incurable neurodegenerative disease, by transmitting the disease between the brain tissues of patients. How did this happen and what does this mean with regards to our understanding...
Anna Boyne Have you ever sat in a lecture and struggled to focus on what’s being said? Or perhaps you wonder why your course mate can soak up all the information without making notes? Maybe you can never understand a practical until you’ve done it yourself. Everyone prefers to...
Vishvajyth Ponnambalam A team of interdisciplinary researchers have found that radiation therapy could potentially improve heart function in patients suffering from heart failure. But what exactly is heart failure and what causes it? Treatment is usually necessary for the lifetime of the patient Heart failure is a debilitating cardiovascular...