• Horizon Zero Dawn: First Impressions

    If you know anything about action-RPG gaming, then you’ll know that one of the most highly anticipated games of early 2017 is Horizon Zero Dawn, the latest offering from Guerrilla Games. Released on the PS4 on the 1st March, it has so far proved to be an unexpectedly remarkable...
  • Trailer Watch – Spiderman: Homecoming

    It might still be over half a year away, but we’re already getting excited for the next outing of our friendly neighbourhood Spiderman, as played by Tom Holland. With two versions of the trailer for Spiderman: Homecoming released today, we have plenty of action to wet our appetites. Tony...
  • PS4 Pro and Xbox Scorpio: Console ‘Neo’-revolution?

    Since the unveiling of the Xbox Scorpio and the PS4 Pro, a big deal of fuss has been made over what seems to be the herald of the end of ‘true’ console generations. The main argument being made is that this signals a move from the generational console platform...
  • The Sony Hack

    In November last year, Sony Pictures Entertainment was attacked by a number of very serious hacks, resulting in the leaking of thousands of confidential emails, and personal details such as Social Security Numbers and Passports. The suspected cause of the hack was by North Korea over the film The...