• Portland: What the f*** is going on?

    Upon returning to Nottingham in September, University Park Campus had become a building site. Green has become grey. Open access has become fences and scaffolding. Wires are hanging from the ceiling and seemingly everything has moved location. These are the effects of a long term redevelopment project for the...
  • UoN is staying safe by saying no to hate crime

    The University of Nottingham (UoN) has partnered with Nottingham Citizens to raise awareness of hate crime. Nottingham Citizens have released a survey to not only raise awareness of hate crime, but to also get an “accurate snapshot of what hate crime looks like in Nottingham.” Impact reached out to...
  • On campus protest: UoN Left Society taking a stand against arms companies on campus

    Yesterday, 30th October 2017, the University of Nottingham (UoN) Left Society staged a protest at the East Midlands Conference Centre during the 2017 Science and Technology Fair. The fair focused on internships and graduate employment opportunities for students studying STEM subjects- science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Thus, the careers...
  • LIVE: London Grammar @ Rock City

    With a double platinum certified debut album already under their belts and their most recent album, ‘Truth is a Beautiful Thing’ having debuted at number one in the UK Albums Chart, elegantly minimalist trio London Grammar have certainly come a long way from writing music in Lenton. Since meeting...
  • Computers vs. pen-and-paper: universities looking into e-exams over written exams

    More universities are choosing to use e-exams rather than traditional written exams. Universities such as Edinburgh, Cambridge, and Nottingham have all started to increase the number of exams completed on computers. The rise in e-exams is partly due to the fact that students have poor handwriting skills as a...
  • US? Canada? International students seeking alternatives to UK universities

    International students are reportedly looking for universities in other English-speaking countries as a substitute for the UK after Brexit. Britain’s decision to leave the EU has caused a wave of uncertainty for foreign students. This has led many to look at universities in the US, Canada, and Australia as...
  • UK universities are experiencing a first class degree inflation

    According to Press Association, there has been a rise in first class degrees as a third of institutions in the UK are passing students with top honours. The report goes on to cite that 25% of degrees in 2015/16 were firsts, a prominent comparison to the statistics of 2010/11...