Alice Bennett Long before Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart’s teenage vampire romance sparkled on our screens, The Lost Boys (1987) was the quintessential teen vampire film. Having been overlooked in recent years, it is important to revisit the movie and appreciate its undeniable influence on later portrayals of vampire...
Ed Farley Following on from Orla Newstead’s ‘Film VS The Novel: What is the Ultimate Form of Storytelling’, Ed Farley compares the book and film versions of Carmilla. “The book is better than the film” is something I have heard multiple times, yet haven’t ever been able to...
For many, ranking Arctic Monkeys records is almost like choosing a favourite child. Arguably the closest thing this generation has to the Beatles, the band have constantly renewed their sound with every record, while maintaining a massive global fanbase essentially from the get-go. With their sixth album, the sure-to-be-divisive...